Saturday, September 30, 2006

Today's post later... again!

Friday, September 29, 2006

The post will be tomorrow now...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

again, I'll update tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another Duck In Water

A duck. This photo is a little different in that it's a scan from one of my film prints. It's actually one from the first set of film photographs I've had developed. I've had a digital camera for so long that I never owned a film camera before.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Swan

Nice swan. I like the lighting too. I'm not big on the dirty, murky water, though.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Simon Fraser University.

My wife at SFU.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A View From The Bridge

The scene from the Burrard Bridge yesterday.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Happy Autumn!

An example of Stanley Park wildlife. This photo was taken by Kathryn.

So today is officially the first day of Autumn. Being a great, near-cloudless day, Kathryn and I went off to enjoy a walk to and around Stanley Park.

Kathryn waiting for the bus home from downtown:

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Face In The Blanket

I thought the folds in this blanket looked interesting.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Beneath The Bridge

A boat sailing under the Burrard Bridge.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pulling Out The Heater

Cleaning and preparing the space heater.

It's not nearly cold yet, but when you get up at 4:30 in the morning, it's just starting to be a little chilly. So the time has come to take out the space heater again, and put away the fans.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Venetian blinds, to be more specific.

I had my second Photography class yesterday. The instructor went over what the f-stop, shutter speed, and film speed are and how they affect exposure. Nothing new to me, but next week we'll be having our first studio shoot, so that should be fun.

Monday, September 18, 2006

A New Lens

What goes with a new camera? A new lens, of course! Yesterday I bought a really, really nice 50mm prime lens. The quality is very high, considering it also happens to be one of the cheapest lenses you can get. I've been wanting to get this particular lens for a while, and am extremely pleased with it.

Kathryn and I went to my sister Elaine and Paul's place for dinner last night. Shane and his girlfriend were there as well. Elaine made some extraordinary prawns in a garlic sauce, while Paul made some nice bread by scratch. Good company, good food.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Yet Another Camera

Yesterday while Kathryn and I were out for a coffee, I stopped by Kerrisdale Cameras to see what they had. Specifically I was wanting to check the price of a lens hood for my variable zoom lens. By the time we got home, I had bought a used camera!

I sort of wanted to get one since my photography class is geared for film equipment, so it wasn't completely out of the blue. It's a Canon EOS 3000, which was sold in 1999, apparently meant for the Asian market. A film SLR, it's the body of the camera, and lenses attach to it. It looks relatively full-featured, especially considering the price I paid for it - $99. The nice thing is the lenses are interchangeable with my digital SLR.

I also setup a gallery blog for some of my art images. It's meant to be temporary, as I want to have a proper web gallery later on. It's not nearly finished yet, and Blogger cannot upload some images at the moment, but have a look: Feel free to check back later, I'm going to continue uploading more.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday Today!

Light on the light

I saw this interesting sunlight pattern a few days ago. It only lasted about 10 minutes before fading away.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Now Something Completely Different

'Water Fountain I'

I completely updated the look of my blog. I got sort of tired of the template it had before. While I like this new format better, I'm not quite 100% convinced. I'll still keep my eye peeled for a template I'll be completely satisfied with. So don't be too surprised to see it change again soon.

The image you see today is one I had been planning to create for a while, and so was really please when I took this photo. I am quite fond of it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Apart from taking nice pictures for the blog and my personal collection, I have a few dozen pieces I refer to as 'fine art'. Of course Andy Warhol purposely challenged the concept of what constitutes 'fine art' quite some time ago. To some extent it's simply a matter of what I choose to designate as such. My personal criteria is that it meet a certain aesthetic that is meaningful to me. Further, it should evoke or convey either an emotion or concept that hopefully causes the viewer to think about what is being viewed.

This is the sort of thing that gets me truly excited about photography. It's a means to communicate in a way I've never been able to before. I have already posted a LOT of pictures already, this is the first time I posted one of my 'fine art' photographs. The image you see here is simply titled, 'Lilies'.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Sunset after a visit to Costco yesterday. (I'm sure we're about the only Costco customers who took the Skytrain there)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Yesterday I started my photography class. The program is potentially 2-2 1/2 years if you go all the way for certification. So as a result, each class has its prerequisites, and I'm beginning at the beginning. This first course is pretty basic, aptly named 'Basic Photography'. There wasn't a lot I didn't already know taught in my first class, but I did learn a couple new things.

To start, the first couple classes will be theory, then there will be some time in the studio, working with objects, then with fashion models. There's going to be darkroom (not sure what I'll be doing in that class, seeing I have a digital SLR). And a couple field trips, wrapping up with the term project - a small portfolio of 8 photographs each being an example of different techniques assigned by the teacher. They'll be graded for composition, technical refinement, aesthetic quality, etc. It'll be fun.

Here's the only thing: I wake at 4:45AM to be at work at 7AM. The class runs 7PM - 10PM. By the last 1/2 - 1 hour of the class, I was having a bit of difficulty paying attention, seeing I was quite sleepy. Fortunately I took today off as a vacation day so I can sleep in a bit and not worry about being wiped at work. Next week I'll not have this little luxury. I think I'll be OK, though.

Monday, September 11, 2006


5 years ago I was living with my parents, and working retail sales with IBM. I was sleeping in as I had an evening shift (1pm-9pm), and was out and about late the previous night. My mom burst into my room (which she never did since I was 14) exclaiming "they attacked New York!" I was working evenings at the time, and was NOT a morning person, so I was groggy and not entirely happy being awakened so abruptly. I stayed in bed.

5 minutes later she bursts in again saying New York was being attacked, and to get up! Then again she closed my door and left. This time my neurons managed to make the proper connections and have some comprehension what she was saying. I tried to make sense what this could mean, and why she was upset by this. I remember what I was thinking as I was dragging myself out of bed. The Soviet Union was no more. Russia and China were the only countries capable of mounting a credible attack. But they would have no reason to to make a pre-emptive strike that would not have gone unanswered. Completely improbable. So I dismissed that line of thinking and thought it must have been some sort of terrorist attack.

After getting dressed and going into the living room, I was absolutely shocked and flabbergasted by what I saw on TV: all of Manhattan engulfed with smoke, as the Twin Towers had just collapsed.

I worked at an IBM Store in Metrotown mall, and the big projection TVs that normally display advertising located throughout the mall were all tuned into news of what was happening. people were crowded around each of them, quietly watching as the world was changing before their eyes. The thing is, everybody knew it at the time.

At work, and all the display computers were networked and hooked to broadband Internet. We were all glued to them, reading and watching the video clips. It was a surreal day spent in disbelief I'll never forget.

Below are a couple interesting links to news sites and, archived as they appeared. I remember these sites and how they looked quite well. When I found them archived, they were exactly how I remembered them:

Monday Morning

An extraordinarily ugly building on Broadway

This is a nightmarishly uninspired medical building on Broadway. It's really quite intimidating by it's blatant disregard for any concept of aesthetics. Typically institutional in its overall feel...

Another thing this photo illustrates is the need to get a lens hood for my wide-angle lens to eliminate sunflares. Every photo I took of this building had the pesky things.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Finally Bugfree

Waiting for tea to steep

Today is pretty mellow. Much more so than any other day in weeks. Yesterday Nick (Kathryn's little brother) called her and said there's a surprise birthday party going on for their older brother Michael, arranged by Michael's wife Alicia at their place. So we went, and ended up coming home at midnight - really, really late for both of us considering we're used to being in bed by 9PM!

Also, you can see I managed to finally get the chance to properly update my blog, and install a photo for each day of this past weekend. Previously I just made holding posts to keep the blog's daily continuity, and record my struggle with computer bugs.

I think I finally resolved my computer problems... I disconnected the internet altogether, did a bit of fiddling, then ran both the anti-virus, and anti-spyware software. After spending an inordinate amount of my weekend working on this, it appears there's now nothing bad left on my system. I'm still getting an occassional advertisement popup, so I'll scan again while connected to the internet...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Not Entirely Clean

A tugboat in English Bay...

Today Kathryn and I went to Richmond Centre because a pair of jeans I got last weekend suffered a wardrobe malfunction. One of the buttons on the button fly nearly ripped off after I wore them one time. I got my $40 refund from Old Navy, then promptly went to The Bay to get a very nice pair of Buffalo jeans for $100 after tax to replace the pair I returned. They're possibly the most expensive pair I ever got, but I really like them. They're stretch denim, so I needed to get a size 31 to fit me properly where normally I'm a size 33.

The situation with the spyware continues... I did a couple complete virus and spyware scans, and it turns out my computer was infected with multiple viruses and malware. It looks as if a bad cycle got itself started.. a virus likely infected my computer, which installed a spyware program, which installed other spyware, adware, and viruses with its popups, thus multiplying itself. I managed to largely defeat all the secondary malware programs and viruses today. All but 1 of each, which I suspect are the original, core culprits that got the whole thing started in the first place. I'll see if I can finish this tomorrow...

Friday, September 08, 2006


The place we got our couch from was having a store closing sale. Now 4 months later, the same place is STILL closing! It doesn't bother me all that much, but I would think there's better ways to attract people to their store.

So yesterday my computer got some bugs. A web site that had a couple drink mix recipes I was looking for seems to have autoloaded a -tonne- of adware and probably spyware onto my computer, making it effectively unusable. This morning I was able to track down and disable much of it, enough to make it somewhat usable. There's still a fair bit of work to do to eliminate the more pesky and hard-to remove ones, which I likely won't get a chance to do till tomorrow morning.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Pigeon, Blogger, And The Weather

A pigeon checking out the dude with the camera.

Using Blogger has been almost painful this past week. I suspect they're working to launch their new revamped version soon. If it means the site will be more stable again, the sooner it's finished the better.

So it looks like summer weather is likely to officially end with today. I think it's sort of interesting to see (and just know) there's going to be a clear seasonal change in weather like what you see in the forcast. I really don't expect the temperatures to break 25 degrees again until maybe May, or more likely June:

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Like A Duck In Water

It just so happens this IS a duck in water.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kathryn And The Ducks

Kathryn and I went off on a walk along Kits Beach this evening after dinner. Along the way we came across a bunch of ducks by a pond after a woman left them a load of food. The waterfowl didn't seem to mind our presence, as they were quite absorbed with their meal.

Here I have an action shot of Kathryn making sure we get the bench:

Here she is on the bench:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fountain Figures

Figures in a fountain

I have never noticed these figures in a fountain I've passed probably 2000 times. It's interesting what you see when you change how you see...

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Outside the Vancouver Art Gallery

Saturday, September 02, 2006

About My Blog

Brockton Point Lighthouse at Stanley Park

This blog has sort of become a bit of a photo-journal of my little world. It really doesn't cover a lot in terms of what a lot of other popular blogs feature, like opinions on current events, or trends. That sort of blog has been done to death, in my books. This isn't really a sounding board, rave/rage board, nor an intimate journal/diary.

I'll agree my posts are usually about as deep as the bathroom sink in terms of content, but then that's on purpose. I really enjoy taking photos, and sharing them, along with mostly positive snippets of my daily life, environment and thoughts. I was in a bit of a funk for a while early in the summer. Doing a daily entry here was quite beneficial. It's also something quiet to do in the early morning before having to go off to work at a most unreasonable hour.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Start Of September


September has always been an interesting time of year for me. It's a time for endings and beginnings: the end of summer, and the beginning of fall. While I'm a little sad to see summer starting to end, I'm also rather excited about the onset of fall, and its own unique adventures.