Saturday, July 28, 2007

New Posting!

So today I again updated my new blog. I have my own internet address:, so I can do what I like with it. It's not much more complicated to setup a blog from scratch as compared to having one on Blogger. I only wish I did it like this earlier. Now there's no more frustrations with Blogger not allowing me to upload any of my photographs.

Visit it here:

Also make sure to have a look at my photography site:

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome, 2007


Having slept through the New Year for the first time in about 20 years or so, 2007 is off to a pretty quiet start. (all the more so since it's now 7:30AM on New Year's day)

I don't particularly have any new year's resolutions, but there are some things that are showing on the horizon.

  • I have been recently (sort of) promoted at work, and will be starting my new job in earnest tomorrow.

  • Kathryn has a new job, and seems to be more positive about work than I have seen her in over a year.

  • We plan on moving this year.

  • I intend to take out a debt consolodation loan which should actually free up a fair bit of money.

  • There's a bit of a plan to go on a vacation around late September, tentatively to Quebec.

  • I got a new camera flash for Christmas, so I intend to be taking more stock photographs.

I'm looking forward to what the year brings.