Monday, February 06, 2006

February 6, 2006: My Dad's Birthday!

February 6, 2006: Kathryn's Fairy Lamp

Today is my dad's 81st birthday! You wouldn't be able to tell he's 81; I hope to be as sharp as he is when I get to be that age myself. I'm in my mid-30s, so when I was born my dad was getting close to 50. Now and then when I think it'll likely be a few more years till Kathryn and I have a baby, I'll still be 10 years younger than my dad was when I was born.

Frequently we would go to The Old Spagehtti Factory to celebrate, but this year it's being done at my parent's place. Actually, I thought today was when we were going to celebrate his birthday, so I went to their place, and found that since he had an appointment that lasted longer than was expected, it'll be done tomorrow instead.

Kathryn's shoulder is still really bothering her. Because of how the pain seems to work, we're both thinking it's not a muscle at all. We think there may be some bone or nerve damage involved somehow. She's making an appointment to see the doctor, but was unable to book an appointment till Thursday. I've been nagging her about it since yesterday, so I'll try to back off a bit.

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