Friday, May 26, 2006

A Tree

A Tree by the shore.

It's been an exraordinarily long time since I updated this. No particular reason why I stopped, and no particular reason why I'm doing this update, neither. Obviously I'm making no pretense I'll be updating this daily. :)

I was watching the news the other day, and they were interviewing a leading member of the federal Green Party. He was bemoaning the lack of importance the current government places on environmental issues. During the short segment the guy was shown busy making his home more energy efficient to save electricity. meanwhile the dude was retrieving some wiring from his SUV!

My wife and I don't drive. In fact we really don't have intention of getting a car. Besides being a money-pit, I personally think a number of social and environmental ills are caused by cars. This is not to say I'm against using them, it's just that I believe the technology is being dreadfully abused. Really, if you're able-bodied, you don't need to hop in the car to drive 3 blocks to go to the 7-11.

Of course if we didn't live in the city, we probably would be in a position where getting a car would be necessary. I just don't think it necessary right now.

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