Monday, August 28, 2006



So I FINALLY got the time to update this blog a bit better than simply entering holding posts, which is what I've done since Friday. So now there's a photo posted for each day I missed. I don't think it's cheating to update my weekend posts with photos, considering the idea of this blog is more about a daily (or approximation thereabouts) photo, than as a strict journal-type blog.

Anyway, it was a relatively busy weekend, but it was fun. It certainly went by too quickly. On Friday Kathryn got a 2 for 1 coupon for a restaurant we've been to once before called Burger Heaven. Quite good. Saturday we setup a stall to sell some of our excess stuff at a community flea market. It was actually my mom's stall, but we sort of ended up taking it over. She didn't seem to mind too much. Also on Saturday We went out to have dinner at the Curry King restaurant with Kathryn's older brother Michael and his wife Alicia. A good time all around. And on Sunday we took my mom to the PNE, then afterward went to Las Margarita's for dinner.

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