Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Yesterday I started my photography class. The program is potentially 2-2 1/2 years if you go all the way for certification. So as a result, each class has its prerequisites, and I'm beginning at the beginning. This first course is pretty basic, aptly named 'Basic Photography'. There wasn't a lot I didn't already know taught in my first class, but I did learn a couple new things.

To start, the first couple classes will be theory, then there will be some time in the studio, working with objects, then with fashion models. There's going to be darkroom (not sure what I'll be doing in that class, seeing I have a digital SLR). And a couple field trips, wrapping up with the term project - a small portfolio of 8 photographs each being an example of different techniques assigned by the teacher. They'll be graded for composition, technical refinement, aesthetic quality, etc. It'll be fun.

Here's the only thing: I wake at 4:45AM to be at work at 7AM. The class runs 7PM - 10PM. By the last 1/2 - 1 hour of the class, I was having a bit of difficulty paying attention, seeing I was quite sleepy. Fortunately I took today off as a vacation day so I can sleep in a bit and not worry about being wiped at work. Next week I'll not have this little luxury. I think I'll be OK, though.

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